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OSAT 12-Step Meetings

OSAT-AA has two weekly meetings on Tiger Mountain, and a beach bonfire meeting at Golden Gardens. These are open meetings and you need not be a member of the OSAT club to attend.  Flyers for these meetings are here and include additional information.

The following are materials used for AA meetings:

At times new members have questions about the relationship of the club to the AA meetings.  Reference the document on starting new groups such as OSAT written by our founder, Jim Hinkhouse, for discussion about the various issues that have been raised and how we have addressed them.

Golden Gardens - Shilshole Bay

Both current members and new folks are encouraged to come support this meeting at a gorgeous site looking across Puget Sound at the Olympics and the sunset. Come early and enjoy pre-meeting activities. Bring wood to support the bonfire. You can direct questions about this meeting to


Tuesday Nights at 7 PM     


At Golden Gardens Park on Shilshole Bay in Seattle. We attempt to get a fire pit for the meeting Memorial Day until LaborDay, and get one of the shelters during fall, winter, and spring.  This used to be called the Bonfire Meeting, and you can still look for the tiki torches and a sandwich-board sign! Bring a chair for the beach, a log for the fire, warm clothes, a friend and a hug. Map of summer meeting location

Tiger Mountain

Although the Sunday morning meetings continue throughout the year, the Thursday evening meetings run during Daylight Saving Time only.  A flyer for the meetings is available here.


Thursday Nights at 7:00 PM (DST only )& Sunday Mornings at 10:00 AM (year-around)


The Tiger Mountain Tradition Lake Trailhead is on the south (right) side of the High Point Exit, Exit 20 (first exit east of Issaquah) off I-90.  Make two right turns to get onto the frontage road parallel with the Interstate.  Park before the gate to use the cable line trail or on Thursday nights, or in the upper parking lot on Sundays (see Note 2 below) to use the regular trail (recommended for first-timers). 

If you have hiking experience and feel you can get to the meeting on your own, here is a West Tiger Trails Map and the detailed description of the trails

NOTE: Newcomers should not try to find this meeting alone.  We meet in the trees just below the summit of West Tiger 3. The hike gains 2,000 feet in a bit more than 3 miles. Bring water, warm clothes, and a flashlight. If you do not have hiking experience but would like to attend, please contact one of the meeting leaders at for further information and help getting to the meeting. Read below for what you should bring.

What to bring on your hike to the Tiger Mt. OSAT-AA meetings

Please note that weather conditions vary on the summit of Tiger.  It is easy to get very cold after hiking up to the meeting and then sitting for one hour, even when the weather is mild.  When you have been sweating you can can get dangerously chilled even if it is warm out.

Bring a dry shirt to change into.  Bring warm layers like fleece, a down jacket, and a raincoat.  Do NOT wear cotton (for example, blue jeans). Bring gloves and a hat. Hand warmers are also good to have. Bring water, snacks, extra clothes to keep you warm and dry, and a pad to sit on. A thermos of hot tea or coffee can be nice to warm up. There is sometimes coffee or tea available to share, so bring your own cup if you'd like to share some from others.

Shoes: You can do this hike with tennis shoes if the weather isn't wet. You don’t need heavy boots but waterproof tennis shoes or light hiking boots are best.

We hope to see you on the mountain and just want to help you to get the most out of the experience by being prepared.

NOTE:  The Tiger Mountain Thursday Night Meeting only occurs during that part of the year when Washington state observes Daylight Saving Time (mid-March to early-November). The Thursday meeting is suspended during Standard Time (late-fall and winter). Please see the Calendar for the specific starting and ending dates of the Thursday night meetings.

NOTE 2:  This meeting is on Washington DNR land. Parking in the trailhead parking lot requires a Washington public lands Discover Pass.  If you do not have one, parking on the frontage road between the interchange and the gate is legal and does not require a pass.  (Thanks for supporting the Discover Pass, which no doubt in part paid for the paving of the road beyond the gate and the parking lot several years ago!)  For the Thursday meeting, please park on the frontage road, as the park gate is sometimes closed and locked at or after dusk.



NOTE 3: The OSAT club and the OSAT group of Alcoholics Anonymous are two different and separate entities and should not be thought of as the same, although many members of one also belong to the other. Finances of the two are kept separate, and operational decisions are made independently. OSAT the club is intended for members of 12-step programs and their families and friends, but does not require that members also be members of recovery groups. We only ask that all members follow our Code of Conduct while participating in our events.


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