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Welcome to the 2025 OSAT Glacier Climbing Course

Registration for the course will open November 10th, 2024 at 6am  

Events planned can be found here: OSAT Calendar 

For general questions about registration contact 2025 GCC Registrar Jimmy V. at

2025 OSAT GCC Committee Contact Info

    2025 GCC Scholarship Program 
    Our 2025 pilot scholarship program has proven incredibly successful! In light of this, OSAT is proud to announce that the program of financial aid scholarships will be expanded to increase our reach in the recovery community. Please see the GCC Scholarship information sheet for details.

    GCC Instructor Resources:

               Instructions for Calendar Event Creation
    Conditioner Log for Check In
              Additional Trip Leader Resources are on the Activities>Resources menu

    Glacier Climbing Course FAQs

    Q: Who can participate?

    A: The GCC is for members of 12 step recovery programs, as well as their family and friends who actively support them in recovery. In order to enroll in the GCC course, you must first be an OSAT club member. To become an OSAT club member, please visit

    Q: What skills will be taught?

    A: During the six month course, students will learn how to select and properly utilize mountaineering equipment, gain the rope travel skills necessary to maintain the safety of their team, become familiar with basic navigation, learn and practice ice axe self-arrest techniques, gain experience snow camping, and learn crevasse rescue technique. Summiting Mount Baker or El Dorado Peak (condition dependent) are often exciting opportunities chosen for a final course graduation climb. In July, graduated students will also have the optional chance to join a Mount Rainier Climb team. 

    Q: What is required?

    A: The course requires participants to undertake a serious conditioning and training regimen. The course starts in January and is typically organized with a seminar (weekday evening), field trip (weekend), and conditioner (various options) each month. Additionally, there will be ongoing google classroom assignments, skills assessments, timed physical trials, and a stewardship activity required before June graduation climbs (weekend).  GCC participants must be able to attend all in-person events (both indoor and outdoor) to continue in the course. To ensure the safety of our climb teams, 100% attendance is required in order to be eligible for graduation, no exceptions. Participation requires a willingness to adhere to all safety guidelines published by the 2025 GCC committee. 

    2025 Dates

    Pre-Course Activities: Attend a Sunday morning Tiger Mountain Meeting (11/10-24 through 12/29/2024) and complete all assigned google classroom classwork by December 31st, 2024

    January Conditioner: various options, see google calendar in December

    Seminar 1: February 1st, 8:00-3:00, Mercer Island

    Seminar 2: February 12th, 5:30-8:30, Bellevue

    Field Trip: February 15th, 8:00-3:00, Seattle Mountaineers

    Seminar 3: March 5th, 5:30-8:30, Bellevue

    Field Trip: March 8th, 8:00-3:00, West Seattle

    Seminar 4: April 9th, 5:30-8:30, Bellevue

    Field Trip: April 12th or April 19th (two options), 8:00-3:00, Snoqualmie Pass

    Seminar 5: April 30th, 5:30-8:30, Bellevue

    Field trip (Snow Camp Full Weekend): May 3rd 8:00-May 4th 5:00pm, Steven's Pass

    Evening Outdoor Crevasse Rescue Practice: May 21st, 6:00-9:00, Gas Works Park

    Seminar 6: May 28th, 5:30-8:30, Bellevue

    Field trip (Crevasses Rescue Full Weekend): May 31st 8:00-June 1st 5:00pm, Mount Baker

    Graduation Climbs: June Weekends [7-9, 14-15, 21-22], Mount Baker and Eldorado Peak. - Sign ups for Grad climbs in May.

    Post-Graduation Mount Rainier Climbs: June/July Weekends [ June 27-30; July 4-6, 11-13, 18-20] - Sign ups for Rainier in May.


    Seminars are weeknight evenings starting around 5pm (indoors), field trips are weekend all day events (outdoors) with the last two field trips being all weekend with a Saturday overnight. 

    Childcare provided at weeknight seminars. Please reach out to Nancy Bodkin at with questions.

    **Please arrive to every event 30min early**

    **All locations/times subject to change**

    Q: What exactly are the GCC conditioners and how often do they take place over the course of a month? 

    A: Conditioners are scheduled events led by a GCC instructor. In past years they have generally capped out at 10-12 people per conditioner and once the course begins conditioners are scheduled throughout the year. We offer conditioners on both weekends and weekdays. They are an opportunity for students to practice skills, enhance learning about mountains/hiking/climbing/outdoors, and condition your mind and body as well as get to know your fellow students and instructors. At every conditioner there is a conditioner lead, support instructor, and a WFA (wilderness first aid trained instructor) in addition to 8ish students. Conditioning should not be limited to these hikes and we recommend prioritizing additional conditioning throughout the month. We often use the acronym: ABC = Always Be Conditioning

    Q: What are time trials? 

    A: Time trials are a measure of safety and skill. We want to make sure students can safely carry weight up a mountain in a certain amount of time. Starting in February, our conditioners will have increasing weight requirements to help ensure student success before the first time trial in April. We offer more than ample opportunity for students to register for and complete time trials. 

    Q: What prior experience is needed to be able to participate in the course?

    A: Not much prior experience is required although hiking, walking, carrying weight, and working out are all assets which will enhance your ability to complete this course and navigate the mountains safely and enjoyably. If you have very little previous experience hiking or climbing, you can start working out, walking, hiking, etc. now to start building some strength and experience. Again, ABC :)

    Q: How many people participate in the GCC course each year? 

    A: The course fills up quickly and has been capped at 70 students in the past. 

    Q: How much does the course cost?

    A: A $200 fee is due at sign up. Fee is refundable if you cancel before midnight on December 31st, 2024.

    Q: When does the course start?

    A: The first in-person event is February 1st, 2025, but there will be some required online work, a Sunday Tiger Mountain Meeting, and January conditioner required before then. We will communicate the details via email, once registered for the course. 

    Q: How do I Register?

    A: First, join OSAT.  Preferably with a Gmail email address.

    OSAT club meetings and AA meetings are good places to learn more about OSAT, and visitors are always welcome. If you would like to join us and access members-only portion of the web site, including our activities calendar and forums, become a member today! 

    Once you are a member, you'll be able to access the calendar and register for the 2025 GCC on November 10th, 2024 at 6am. There is a waitlist available once the course is full. 

    You will need a Google email address to participate in the course. 

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