Please join us in for OSAT's gratitude potluck dinner. Bring your family and your favorite potluck dish for the buffet table.
Setup starts at 5:00, come early to help set up and have more time for socializing. Dinner will begin at 6pm followed by the formal program at 7pm. Arrive early and enjoy the evening to its fullest!
Celebrate the past year of great events, including a most successful GCC, enjoy connecting with other long time members and newer first year students.
The event is a potluck, bring a dish, a dessert , or a starter and a way to serve them. We'll have coffee and water, plates utensils and those items. Bring your own beverage if you want something other than coffee or tea.
Email Rob for additional information and/or to volunteer to help set-up/clean-up.
Congregational Church on Mercer Island
4545 Island Crest Way, Mercer Island WA 09040