This conditioner is open only to GCC Students who have not yet completed their April GCC time trial conditioner. During this time trial, students will need to ascend the Old Mt. Si trail in 2.5 hours or less carrying at least 30 pounds in their pack, and descend in 2 hours or less. Students must complete this time trial within the month of April in order to proceed in the course. Packs will be weighed at the trailhead.
In order to maximize students' ability to complete their trials, only the instructors leading this time trial and students needing to complete their time trials can join this hike. Other instructors or OSAT members are not permitted to attend.
Trailhead Directions: Take exit 32 on I-90 East for 436th Ave SE. Turn left onto 436th Ave SE, drive 0.6 miles. Turn left onto SE North Bend Way, drive 0.3 miles. Take the 1st right onto SE Mount Si Rd, drive 0.4 miles. Look for overflow parking lot on your left and main parking lot nearby with a sign marked "Little Si".
Trip Leaders:
*(L)ead; (W)FA; (S)weep