Join us for an informative afternoon of course updates, skills refreshers and new instructor info.
This event is limited to previous GCC graduates only
If you're a 1st year instructor and can't attend this event, please try to attend 2nd event, scheduled for Jan 3rd 6:30pm-8:30pm
2nd+ year instructors are also encouraged to attend, as new items to this course year will be discussed
We will cover what it takes to be an AMAZING GCC instructor ....
* Gear updates and intro to NEW instructor classroom
* Discussing student conditioners
* Briefing from Ethics Committee on how to navigate situations that may arise at events
* Extra special guest appearance for knots refresher
* Soft skills workshop to be a better teacher
* Look to the upcoming GCC season and future instructor training events
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 749 729 1633 Passcode: 840518
Any questions please contact Ben R.